- Little Humans at Lan...
Intikelelo‘s mission is to improve the lives of orphans and vulnerable chi...
- Langbos Corporate Fu...
Langbos is having a Corporate Fun Day on Saturday, 28th March 2015 9 – 12a...
- Langbos Crèche Eco-S...
The Langbos crèche has been registered for the eco-school program. The Addo Elep...
- Langbos Food Garden ...
I have completed my third week working full time on site at Langbos and the food...
The community of Langbos live in dire poverty, in shacks without lights and water. Many are HIV positive, and alcoholism and child abuse are wide spread problems. As a citrus growing area, Addo has only seasonal work and 70% of the community is unemployed between December and March. All these factors contribute to the high incidence of dysfunctional families and rampant suffering. In 1994 after seeing children scavenging alongside pigs and dogs on an illegal rubbish dump and in light of Muffy Miller’s growing concerns about the educational needs, health issues and crime she decided to act.With the help of the Sundays River Woman’s Institute, churches and international guests a humble little playschool called Inkwenkwezi (which means star in Xhosa) was built. Nearly 50 children attend the crèche per day, and they are thriving and so much healthier now that they have something to eat. A beautiful Care Centre, named Intsikelelo (meaning blessing in Xhosa) was built next to the LANGBOS Crèche by Brother Christopher and three Sisters of Mercy. The Care Centre is open to the entire Langbos community every day. Two Soup kitchens are available every week for the whole community. Crafts are taught on a regular basis.